Feasting with Friends and Family

It was a year ago today that we lost Jay’s mother, Sara Elledge Madden Morris, after a twenty-year battle with cancer. She left behind a legacy of love, faith, steadfastness, courage, and strength. We miss her so much!

Since she left us, we have celebrated the wedding of our daughter, Neale, and Robert, and I have had major surgery with a full hip replacement. A lot of highs and lows intertwined with our grief.

As you feast around the table this week, remember that each person that you see has also likely faced times in the past year of pain and sorrow, times of anxiousness and loneliness, as well as times of rejoicing. May we be filled with grace to connect to each person eye to eye and heart to heart.

One of my all time favorite books is Every Moment Holy Volume 1 by Douglas McKelvey. Click to read A Liturgy of Feasting with Friends that will help you prepare personally for your upcoming gathering or perhaps you might even share it around your Thanksgiving table: https://www.rabbitroom.com/post/a-liturgy-for-feasting-with-friends.

P.S. This photo is flashback to our time with Sara in Chicago.


Another Gift from Heaven


A Clock